Maison4tiers offers all public institutions (social organization, festival, school, library, etc.) the possibility to offer their members a moment of sharing and discussion around a film.
We are convinced that our films are great pedagogical tools to raise viewers’ awareness on different contemporary issues (environment, women’s rights, inclusion, etc).
Therefore, we propose to acquire the screening rights of one or several films to organize a virtual or live screening.
This screening can be followed by a round table discussion with the film team (director, producer, actors) or with guest speakers.
Discussion guides are available with some films with content and questions to initiate a post-projection discussion.
We also have pedagogical guides that will help teachers to build their course around the films.
If you are interested or if you want more information, please contact us by email

If you wish to organize a screening of one of our films for an audience, you must purchase a screening license.
Indeed, the Canadian Copyright Act in Canada stipulates that any screening of films in a public place is subject to obtaining a Public Screening Right License.
Are there any exceptions? Yes, two!
- Libraries that acquire a film only for loan to users
- Teachers in public schools who screen the film in class for strictly educational (not entertainment) purposes, e.g. the film “Antigone” studied in the literature course.
In these two cases only, the DVD can be purchased directly on our website, our Vimeo or in bookstores without the need to purchase a license.
In all other cases a license is required for a public screening.
A public screening is any film presentation that occurs outside of a private home or for an audience other than family and friends.
Presentations taking place in private associations, libraries, amphitheatres, private clubs or private companies are also considered public presentations.
If you have any doubt or want to discuss it, please contact us by email.
Selection of dedicated films
UQAM students and staff : Watch a selection of films and documentaries for your private use or as part of your lessons. For the password, please ask your institution.
*Only in French