Felix and the treasure of Morgäa
A film by Nicola Lemay
6.99 $ – 20.00 $7.99 $ – 20.00 $
Butterfly Tale is an animated film for the whole family, a great initiatory journey along the fabulous migration of monarch butterflies. This is the story of Patrick, a courageous and adorable butterfly who, even though he cannot fly because of a smaller wing, wants to make this journey at all costs. It’s also that of Geneviève who fights against her panic fear of heights and of Martin, the funniest caterpillar around who wants to become a butterfly like the others! During their journey, Patrick, Geneviève and Martin will become heroes after overcoming their fears, accepting their difference and triumphing over natural predators (mice,hungry birds…) and environmental perils (tornadoes, wild human constructions…) The Legend of the Butterfly is an adventure told with humor, a great quest for autonomy and self-realization.
« The very first animated film featuring butterflies and, what’s more, entirely made in-house, The Legend of the Butterfly is sure to please children. »
★★★½ – LE JOURNAL DE MONTRÉAL« BUTTERFLY TALE features an imposing cast! »
*Only available in Canada
The Legend of the Butterfly is an animated film for the whole family, a great initiatory journey along the fabulous migration of monarch butterflies. This is the story of Patrick, a courageous and adorable butterfly who, even though he cannot fly because of a smaller wing, wants to make this journey at all costs. It’s also that of Geneviève who fights against her panic fear of heights and of Martin, the funniest caterpillar around who wants to become a butterfly like the others! During their journey, Patrick, Geneviève and Martin will become heroes after overcoming their fears, accepting their difference and triumphing over natural predators (mice,
hungry birds…) and environmental perils (tornadoes, wild human constructions…) The Legend of the Butterfly is an adventure told with humor, a great quest for autonomy and self-realization.